Charlene Hahn, IMB trustee, and I spent our last afternoon along the Zambezi River at Sinonge's village. We followed Sky as we headed south from her house, winding through the bush on a deep sandy path.
Sinonge belongs to the Totela people group. Sky walks regularly to teach Sinonge's three wives and his sister-in-law stories from the Bible. Before Daniel and Sky Scott, there was no one specifically teaching the Totela people God's Word. Thank God with me that they followed God's call to Africa.
There are over 15,000 Totela living in the Western Province of Zambia. Their rural villages dotting the floodplains from the Zambezi River to the eastern border of the Western Province.
Psalm 147:4 says, "He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them." God, our Creator, also knows every Totela person and longs for a personal relationship with them, from the youngest baby to the most elder grandmother. Pray for the salvation of the Totela people.
This is Monica and her young baby, she is married to Sinonge's younger brother, Pumulo. She has been exhibiting a keen interest and quick memory for God's Word. Pray that Monde will apply His truths to her life daily, living without fear. "In God, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me?" Psalm 56:4
Sky has been using a storying cloth (colorful pictures of each Bible story) to remind the women of the stories that she has taught them.
Zambians are known for their love of singing. Sky is also helping them to remember the key points of each Bible story through song. Using the tune, "I Have Decided To Follow Jesus", the women make a new verse of "their" song for each story. Singing through the whole song reviews each story they have been taught.
Pray that they will pass these Bible lessons along to their families and friends through story and song.
Pray that these Totela children will grow up knowing how much God loves them . . .
. . .and His plan of salvation for each one of them!
The Scotts are preparing to go on their "stateside assignment" in a few months. Pray that they will have many opportunities to present the gospel before they leave and that while they are gone from Zambia, their Totela friends will continue to think upon all they have been taught.
Pray that Sinonge, his wives and family members and fellow Totela will call upon the name of the Lord, praising Him as their Lord and Savior.
"How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!" Romans 10:15